
Best Content Promotion Strategies To Win The Google

Best Content Promotion Strategies To Win The Google

Google content marketing
Here you will find a few content promotion strategies and methods so that you can win the Google race. They are all fairly standard methods since there are no real secrets in this area. If there were then only a select group would get to Google instead of any old dogs body. Some of this content promotion strategy includes Guest posting, Managing your own blog, choosing target audience or submitting articles to article sites.

Winning the race to the top of Google

Google content marketing
The idea is to get the right attention from the right people, whilst also battling your competition. The idea of competition is a big deal because it varies so much. It is possible to go for keywords and market segments that are rarely used by others. This will mean you have very let competition. You could go for a very popular keyword or market segment. This will make getting your website ranked highly harder. There is only so much SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that you can do, which is why competing for very highly popular keywords or market segments is so difficult.

Choosing which race you want to be a part of

This has nothing to do with Google or any other search engine. This has to do with the consumer you are trying to target. How well you target that consumer will determine which race you become part of. Each page of your website may become a contender in a different race, although the overall SEO may be damaged if your races vary too differently. For example, if one page tries to attract new mothers where another tries to attack old-male bikers then the overall SEO of the website may be damaged. 

Choose the race by choosing the reader. You need to know what that reader is going got put into your website before he or she does. You need to be able to figure out how his or her mind works.

Posting articles on article websites

article submission
This is an easy strategy for promoting your website, your content, your business/website name and for getting your word out there consistently. There is little stopping you from writing an article per week on an article site and doing it for as long as you like.

The great thing about article websites is how reliable they are. They are not like blogs that may stop one day for no reason. They are also unlikely to put your content online only to remove it a few days later. Article sites also have very far fewer rules and less of a time delay between posting an article and having it appear online.

Creating and maintaining you own blog

If you want a place to promote your content that is very reliable, then you should own it. Any of the potential problems of article sites or guest blogging become obsolete when you create your own blog. You can post as often as you like and you can be sure that the content will remain so long as your blog does.

Video, audio and text based content on social media networks

social media
Social Media networks are there for you to post content on. You may also set up as many accounts as you wish, which means you are going to have plenty of places to post your content. There are also a lot of social media networks out there so you can create lots of varieties of social media posts too.  There are also social bookmarking websites you can try too.

Guest posting on the blogs of others

guest posting
If you want a place to promote your content then the blogs of others is not a terrible idea. It is very popular in the eyes of Google at the moment as anSEO method. It means putting your content on another person’s blog, which is SEO friendly assuming that the blog master is paying attention to his or her or own SEO without resorting to any type of black-hat SEO.

Adding your content to the website of others

It is frankly easier to get people to accept your links on their website than it is to get them to add your content. And, backlinks to your website are very search engine friendly, but if you want them to add your content then consider a deal where they create a brand new URL and give it to you to fill up. So long as the URL is mixed in with their page navigation so that Google can find it then you are set. How you convince the web master to do this sort of thing is up to you, but you could always pay him or her.

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