30 Useful Health Tips For Full Time Bloggers
“Health is wealth” and when we talk about becoming a better Blogger, it can’t be achieved without a healthy body, mind and soul. Harsh has already shared mind and soul enhancement tips to keep your mind combined and today I’m going to share some health tips for Bloggers, which will help you to last longer and work to your maximum. After all, our mind and body needs to co-ordinate completely to make maximum out of it.
Many people in today’s world are turning out into full time bloggers, but at the same time they forget to take care of their health. There are many health problems faced by full time bloggers and same is the case with IT professional due to long hours of work in front of computers and laptop.
All the time here at ShoutMeLoud we keep talking about Blogging and how to make money but we hardly talk about what will help us to make money through out our life. It’s a fact that people who work on computer through out the day are more prone to diseases like weak eye sight, headache, backache and many more. Let’s not get into medical details but here we will share some quick health tips and fitness tips which will help you to survive for long without getting stressed out and hampering your health. They are general tips which every computer user should follow for healthy and better life.
Useful Health tips list for Bloggers:
- Do some morning exercise for atleast 30min.
- Expose your body to the sun for atleast 10min, because after you start working you may never have the chance.
- Stretch your neck before starting your work.
- Do some simple exercises of hand, wrist and fingers before starting and in between the work.
- Make sure that you have breakfast before you start working.
- Maintain good body position (straight) while working.
- Get a good flexible and comfortable chair.
- Use computer and laptop screen guard protector.
- If you are using laptop on your lap, use lap cooling pad.
- Being a blogger, best health tips which I can give you is take care of your eyes. Since we need to work in front of laptop through out, work on every angle to make sure you need not need to wear glasses or your glass power doesn’t rise like oil price. Keep your eyes 10-24 inches away from the monitor. (Eye care tips)
- Adjust your chair height such that while holding mouse, your hand should appear “L” shaped when viewed from side.
- Adjust your monitor contrast and brightness such that your eyes should not strain.
- Don’t hold the mouse tightly, hold the mouse at ease.
- Don’t use computer or laptop in a room which has bad or no lights.
- After every hour take 5 min break.
- In break, walk away from the computer and stretch your body.
- In break, do some eye exercises like focusing to distant objects, long blink, etc.
- If necessary have snacks or coffee in break.
- Keep a water bottle near you and drink regularly 3-4 times.
- Don’t use headphone continuously for more than hour.
- Use anti-glare glasses (Specs) to avoid strain on eyes.
- Have your noon lunch at time.
- If you are depressed or sad in between then watch funny videos, read jokes, surf fun websites or play mini games to refresh yourself.
- Relax your mind by meditation and yoga.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking (Bloggers are easily addicted to these). (Why bloggers drink?)
- Avoid using computer or laptop after full-time blogging hours.
- In evening go outside and hang out with friends to refresh your mind.
- Play outdoor games in evening.
- Sleeping is an important part of every human body. Body need rest and when we work at odd hours from home, we need to make sure our body gets proper sleep. According to discovery, 7 hrs in a day is idle time to sleep.
- Sleep early and get up early (11PM to 7AM sleeping hours).
- Avoid stress: too much stress in longer run will affect your mind and body a lot. If over-working is making you stress, take a break and go out for walk. If it’s because of work and you can’t fix it, try to restart and with clear focus but after a break.
I believe majority of readers reading this post knows they should work out a little or more on their health. I would love to know how many of you good take care of your health and if there is other health tips you would like to share with us, feel free to let us know via comment.
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